Innovative offshore
power buoys
for the Blue Economy
A solution for everyone
You are a participant in the offshore energy, defence, aquaculture, science, coastal infrastructure or communication sector(s), and are seeking to measure, monitor, communicate or decarbonise at sea… You are looking for innovative solutions, power buoys adapted to the marine environment, energy independent, remotely controllable, reliable…
We take energy to sea,
wherever it is needed
Buoy & Platform Design
Marine Energy
Recovery & Hybridisation
Integration, Configuration & Commissioning
Installation, maintenance,
Let us know how we can help ?
Offshore data, offshore communication, offshore power, on-demand solutions: discover specific cases and feedback on projects carried out
by GEPS Techno. According to the phases of need, study, solution and service.
R&D and innovation, technology, exhibitions and events: news from GEPS Techno, its partners and customers.
Want to join us?
Have a look at the opportunities within GEPS Techno (job offers, internships)