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Who are we?

GEPS Techno was created in 2011 by three founders from the shipbuilding and offshore sectors.

Their ambition: to supply energy offshore, far from the grids, to support development of the Blue Economy.
Their idea: to offer hybrid systems that exploit all the renewable energy resources available at the location in order to solve the challenges of autonomy, intermittency and uneven distribution of offshore resources.
They are creating an agile company capable of both integrating existing technologies and rapidly developing new ones.
In 2012, the first buoy incorporating a unique wave motor system, capable of both producing energy and stabilising movements, was launched.

Test programmes followed and new prototypes integrating and hybridising up to four different sources of marine energy were launched for even greater reliability and autonomy.

Growth driven by development of the Blue Economy

The first sales contract was signed in 2015 for a scientific data collection application at sea.

GEPS Techno will build on this success to extend its services to offshore wind energy by designing an autonomous buoy capable of replacing costly and cumbersome measuring masts. In 2017, Akrocean, a joint subsidiary of GEPS Techno and Valemo, was created to directly market the data collected by these buoys. The company is becoming one of the leaders in floating LiDAR and is amassing plaudits in a rapidly expanding market. In 2021, it will use the latest models of GEPS Techno buoys capable of carrying radar and sonar to offer environmental observation solutions at sea.

GEPS Techno is structured as an Innovation Lab

Today, GEPS Techno is structured as an Innovation Lab. This original co-development model enables to support any company having the ambition to develop new business models at sea. Or any company looking for autonomous solutions to deploy new services in the areas of data collection, monitoring, communication and decarbonisation.

R&D is still the driving force of the company and allows us to continuously enhance the technological building blocks and expertise made available to customers.

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Our Values




Our Innovations

Innovation is the driving force behind GEPS Techno; we are constantly developing, testing and improving technological building blocks via our R&D programmes so that we are ready to integrate them into our developments wherever they are relevant.

This allows us to base our studies on proven, offshore-validated data, thus improving the accuracy of our results, and significantly reducing time-to-market.

R & D

PMH (Wave Energy Module Pilot)

Year : 2012
Objective : Development of a low-power wave energy pilot module
Status : Finalized

Détails : Validation of the wave energy system by analyzing the correlation between:
the results of experiments in real conditions (both on a buoy and on a boat)
the results of tank tests with a 1:4 scale prototype wave buoy
the results of a digital model.
Partners :
GEPS Techno, Mécasoud, STX France Solutions
Research institutes : ENSTA Bretagne, Icam, Ifremer
Funders : Bpifrance, Conseil régional de Bretagne

PH4S (4 Source Wave Power Prototype)

Year : 2013
Objective : Development of a 4-source hybrid prototype (wave, tidal, solar, wind)
Status : Finalized

Details : Demonstrate the feasibility of combining sources and reducing the intermittency of electricity production compared to a single source solution. In short, it is a question of transforming mechanical energy (wind, tidal, wave, other) or electrical energy (solar) captured into a single type of energy available at the output of the device (power line), via a single sensor with its own optimized and balanced conversion chain.
Partners :
Companies : GEPS Techno, Mécasoud, STX France
Research institutes : Icam, Ifremer
Funders : FEDER, Ademe, collectivités territoriales

IHES (Integrated Harvesting Energy System)

Year : 2016
Objective : To develop the technology validated through the PMH project to reach medium power
Status : Finalized

Details : The project has two components:
The development of an energy recovery ship stabilization solution
The development and demonstration of an autonomous platform, named WAVEGEM (21mx14mx7m), with an installed power of 150 kW. The tests were carried out in the open sea, on the French test site off Le Croisic, the SEM-REV of Centrale Nantes.
Partners :
Companies : GEPS Techno, Chantiers de l’Atlantique, SNEF, Blue Solutions
Research institutes : Icam, Ifremer, Ecole Centrale Nantes
Funders : BPI France, Interreg, Région Pays de la Loire

TIM (Toward an Industrialized single point Mooring system )

Year : 2017
Objective : Develop an offshore mooring system allowing the dynamic movement of a platform while supplying the electrical energy generated at a fixed point on the seabed
Status : Finalized

Details : Extrapolated from the anchoring concept developed by Eolink for its wind turbine float, the project consists of:
Digitally model the system in order to be able to deploy it on a large scale
Digitally validate its behavior for WAVEGEM or high power (>MW) floating MRE systems
Experiment in real conditions
Partners :
Companies : GEPS Techno, Eolink, Tension Technology International
Research institutes : Ifremer
Funders : Scottish Enterprise, région Bretagne, région Pays de la Loire (OCEAN ERANET 2 Program)


Year : 2019
Objective : Development of an energy recovery dyke solution
Status : In progress

Details : Positive energy dyke based on a wave energy system with oscillating flaps
The project is divided into three phases
Phase 1: tank tests (finalized)
Phase 2: ¼ scale pilot test (in progress)
Phase 3: 1-scale pilot test (2024)
Partners :
Companies : GEPS Techno, Groupe Legendre
Research institutes : Ifremer
Funders : ADEME, région Bretagne, région Pays de la Loire


Year : 2021
Objective : Impact studies of wave energy systems on their ecosystem
Status: In progress

Details : The objective of the SafeWAVE project is to remove certain non-technological barriers that could limit the development of ocean energies, one of the major pillars of the European blue growth strategy.
Partners :
Companies : GEPS Techno, RTSys, Corpower Ocean, Wello, Hidromod, BiMEP
Research institutes : AZTI, WavEC, CTN, Ecole Centrale Nantes, University College of Cork,
Funders : Europe, Programme Horizon 2020

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